Brian Cox, b. 1 June 1946, Dundee, Scotland; h. 5' 7"
Albert Finney, b. 9 May 1936, Salford, England; h. 5' 9"
Albert Finney,
Brian Cox,
celebrity look alikes,
dead ringers,
look alike,
look alikes,
looks like,
seeing double,

i've definately gotten these two mixed up, and i looove albert finney!
Yes!!! I can't believe I didn't submit this one myself, it's one of the best ever!
I came across this page to solve a real doubt about who was who. Those two are REALLY similar, unlike some other examples in these pages.
My neighbor's husband got so mad when she and I were arguing with him about who was who in that Bourne Ultimatum movie. Crazy look alike!
I didn't even know Brian Cox existed, I thought they were all Albert Finney :|
Both of these actors are in the Bourne series of movies. I thought they were the same character!!It made me very confused trying to figure out what was going on..
Bourne trilogy...MADDENING!!
This is so ridiculously late to be adding a comment... but just wanted to say how awesome it was to type "actor who looks like Albert Finney" into google and have the first result be the name I was after, Brian. The power of the internet is a vast and often wonderful thing.
Thanks! (if this is still active)
I always wondered how Albert Finney was such a prolific actor cast in multiple movies....now I know..he replicated himself..his other persona is known as Brian Cox LOL.
Seriously, I as watching a movie, a recent one and couldn't see Albert Finney's name in the opening credits but he was (or so I thought) the main actor. Then I googled Brian Cox and realised that the bloke i'd seen past few movies (and vise versa) was not Albert finney or Brian Cox but Brian cox or albert Finney......Silly me
Just watching Erin Brokovic. Couldn't decide Brian Cox or Albert Finney! So alike. Great British actors
I know I'm repeating the content of other comments, but I cannot get over the mistake (IMHO) of casting Finney in The Bourne Supremacy in such a similar role (sinister high-level CIA figure at the heart of the Treadstone mystery) to that played by Cox in the previous two films. I was bewildered; I thought it was the same character (and actor) - [SPOILER ALERT!] how had he returned after his suicide in the second film? I found myself scanning imdb synopses, trying to figure it out, while the film played ... until I realized that Cox was not in the third film's cast, nor was his character in the film: It was a different guy! I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one.
I was so confused I was thinking how did Bryan cox come back to life.but then I looked it up and they are difrent characters
Im here while watching the Bourne movies!
And I found this because I was confused too and thought they were the same!
I was so confused in The Bourne Ultimatum. I thought they were the same person.
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