Jason Bateman | Nathan Fillion

Jason Bateman, 14 January 1969, Rye, NY; h. 6' 0"
Nathan Fillion, b. 27 March 1971, Edmonton, Canada; h. 6' 1½"

Submitted by: M.A. Tavassoli

See another Jason Bateman doppel here.
See another Nathan Fillion doppel here.


  1. totally twins@

  2. Nathan is much hotter!

  3. Don't disgrace Nathan like that! Nobody looks like Mal Reynolds! He's way hotter like the last person said.

  4. Um... I'm pretty sure they look almost exactly alike. You are obviously basing Nathan's "hotness" on something other than appearance, because either they're both hot... or they're both not...

  5. Yep, had to google them last night because my husband and I disagreed which was the star of the new show, Castle. I lost, I swore it was Bateman... I did win in knowing it was Bateman in the cast of the movie, The Break Up... admittedly 'maybe' Fillion is hotter or he just gets hotter characters because I was impressed that Bateman seemed hotter than usual on the show, Castle ; )

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I can't believe it - they must be at least related - does anyone know? I also thought Nathan was Justin. Both very handsome!

  8. sorry meant to say "Jason" not Justin

  9. It's the nose... Nathan Fillion has a perfect nose... Jason Bateman has an average nose. That's why Fillion seems hotter. If Bateman got a nose job he'd be just as hot.
    I haven't watched Castle much BUT if Castle has a brother they should cast Bateman.

  10. two attractive men ...
    jason baton has the charm of child
    he sdnt change a thing about him

  11. I don't watch "Castle" but did grow up watching "Silver Spoons" and "Hogan Family" which starred Jason Bateman. I can totally see the resemblance. How can you tell who is who?

    1. Ricky Schroeder was the star in Silver Spoons, Bateman was Fanily Ties!!

  12. Fillion plays more or a rouge thats what makes him more appealing bateman is more on the comical side but they do look very similar

  13. Lastnite Jimmy Kimmel is on n I hear that "Castle " is gonna be on...then I'm watching and they announce some "fake "name for him! I'm like, o gosh, here goes Jimmy prankin around.. out comes Castle. The actor Is Not Jason Bateman!?!?!?

  14. I don't think Jason Bateman and Nathan Fillion look anything alike. However, after seeing Jay R Ferguson in Ghost Whisperer... I thought for sure he was Nathan Fillion's brother. Funny too, because in the Castle episode "Sucker Punch", Jay R Ferguson played Dick Coonan and the video shows they even have a lot of the same mannerisms.

  15. They look exactly alike!! Nathan is way hotter, though!!

  16. Both guys are lookers, but the pix posted for this doppel are the worst I've ever seen of either of them! (To me they don't look a lot alike.)

  17. Jay R Ferguson looks more like him than Bateman.
