Anthony Michael Hall and Terry Serpico

Anthony Michael Hall, b. 14 April 1968, West Roxbury, MA; h. 6' 2"
Terry Serpico of "Army Wives"

Submitted by Brandyce Barnett



Anonymous said...

I had to do a double take to make sure who was who. I'm a big Anthony Michael Hall fan since 'Pretty in Pink' and even I confused the 2.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has seen Weird Science should know who AMH is.

Anonymous said...

I had to check to see if it was AMH in the S2E12 of Person of Interest.It was Terry!

Unknown said...

Wow! Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

He wasn't in Pretty In Pink

Anonymous said...

Yeah, AMH wasn't in Pretty in Pink. He was in two other John Hughes movies starring Molly Ringwald though-Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club. He purposely turned down Pretty in Pink because he worried he was being typecasted.

Anonymous said...

Steve McQueen & Terry Serpico

Concerned citizen said...

Anthony Michael hall wasn't in pretty in pink. I think you mean 16 candles or breakfast club.

EckyBay75 said...

They probably just got 16 Candles and Pretty in Pink confused for a second. Personally, I think most John Hughes films are very similar (but I love ‘em). Calm down, people! Let’s be honest, we were ALL confused when we saw AMH in Edward Scissorhands. He made a serious transformation into adulthood. I’m here because hubby and I weren’t sure if AMH was in this Saturday morning show called The Inspectors. Turns out it’s his doppelgänger, Serpico. I kinda thought it wasn’t Hall because he’s a bit more “pretty boy.” ☺️

EckyBay75 said...

I agree Serpico looks a lot like Steve McQueen.

Unknown said...

They are both very similar looking, I had to do double take because Serpico is on new StarTrek Discovery, I thought was AMH.

Unknown said...

I was watching Yellowstone and Serpico came on the screen and my first thought was AMH but then second glance saw the difference and had to check out who was this... turned out to be Serpico. I thought maybe it was his brother but not even that. 😲

Anonymous said...

Just checked last night while watching Person Of Interest! Thought it was AMH!